Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cream Cheese Crock-Pot Chicken

I have recently discovered the joys of using a Crock-Pot. I have a list of recipes I would love to try using my Crock-Pot! So you will be seeing many more in the future!  This recipe was a big hit with my husband who loves Alfredo sauce. Although different from Alfredo sauce, it does have similarities. I like to think it is not as bad for me as this does not include heavy cream! Is cream cheese any better? I used reduced-fat! This chicken is great served over noodles. You could also serve over biscuits, rice, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes... basically any carb you can find! The possibilities are endless!
  • 2-4 chicken breasts (I put mine in frozen! I didn't know this until I was reading her blog)
  • 1 can cream of onion soup (or whatever "cream of" soup you want. Chicken, mushroom, celery, potato...)
  • 1 packet italian dressing mix (I found this at Meijer in the condiments aisle by the ranch dressing mixes)
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1 package reduced fat cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup chicken broth or white wine (I say stick with the white wine :-) You will sleep better.)
  • Hot noodles or other carb of choice
Start by putting the chicken broth/white wine in the bottom of the Crock-Pot. Add chicken. Cover with cream of onion soup, italian dressing mix and garlic. Cook on low for 5-7 hours, depending on how warm your Crock-Pot is. Mine cooks fast, probably because it is big and I never fill it full enough. About a half hour before you are ready to eat, cut cream cheese into cubes and stir everything together. Heat an additional 20-30 minutes until cream cheese is melted.  In the meantime you can boil noodles, rice, or mash some potatoes!

Do you hate to clean your Crock-Pot? I know I sure do! There is nothing worse. My mom introduced me to these handy bags. Sometimes you can find coupons for them too. I always buy them at Meijer (they are much cheaper there than online) and they are found by the plastic wrap and tin foil.


  1. Looks so good! I need to try this soon. Crock pots are amazing :) LOVED seeing you this weekend!!! -Julie

  2. Julie- This is a great recipe, a lot of people I have talked to really liked it. I agree - I am beginning to LOVE my crock pot!
